
HelixVM is building the future of virtual care.

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HELIXVM Clears Up COVID, RSV, and Flu from Overwhelmed Hospitals

HELIXVM Clears Up COVID, RSV, and Flu from Overwhelmed Hospitals As hospitals are overwhelmed with the surge in RSV, Covid-19, and Flu cases, HELIXVM is opening up their medical marketplace to help unclog the overloaded healthcare system this holiday season. The cloud-based platform seamlessly connects patients with providers for virtual treatment. HELIXVM has just released a healthcare innovation where patients can fast-track their treatment and receive a probable AI-driven medical diagnosis within minutes. Our solution to healthcare allows hospitals to

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Questions? We’ve Got You Covered! Everything you need to know during the open enrollment period.   It’s that time of year, open enrollment. Where millions of workers and retirees choose a new insurance plan or continue with current coverage. Selecting an insurance plan can be confusing and even frustrating. HMO, PPO? What’s the difference? We all have questions and Helix Virtual Medicine is here to help!    First let’s start with a few things to consider when selecting a

Easy and Convenient At-Home Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Testing

Easy and Convenient At-Home Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Testing Our rapid Covid-19 test will provide you with results within minutes and includes a certified result from virtual proctoring. As Covid-19 infection rates remain high, keep you and your family safe and healthy with Helix Virtual Medicine’s at-home Rapid Antigen test. Receive your outcome within minutes with our over the counter at-home self collection. Our rapid Covid-19 test provides convenience, privacy, and rapid results. With a proctored visit, you’ll have access to a virtual

How To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage

How To Protect Your Skin From Sun Damage Did you know that UV rays from the sun are strongest between the hours of 10am and 4pm? It’s important to make sure you are practicing sun safety this summer by protecting your skin! There are two types of UV rays that the sun emits, both of which can be harmful.  UVA rays: UVA rays have the longest wavelength and are absorbed by the dermis skin layer reaching deep into the skin

Think You Might Have An STD?

Remove the STD/STI Stigma Did you know that 1 in 5 people in the US have an STI? In 2018, that equaled nearly 68 million infections. Many of which can be asymptomatic. It is important to know the symptoms to look for and how to prevent them. An STI that goes untreated can lead to other health problems that result in an STD.  Understanding how they differ is critical to how they are treated. An STD is a sexually transmitted disease,

Woman with Flu

Is It Covid, a Cold, or the Flu?

Is It Covid, a Cold, or the Flu? Many people these days might feel a little under the weather, and like most of us this day in age, are afraid to cough in public, and if we do, we feel the need to follow up with an excuse such as, “oh it’s just allergies, or “it’s just a cough”. When in fact, who really knows what it is? Unless you get tested it might be hard to decipher whether it’s

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